Resource Library
Guidance in connection with a range of administrative, procedural and technical matters that every member needs to know about and apply. Others with an interest in the game may also find these items useful.
The documents below provide background and links to a range of documents and information related to Rugby refereeing. Some documents provide guidance in connection with match day situations that referees will encounter from time to time. To ensure consistency, it is suggested that every Sydney West RRA member occasionally takes a minute or two to refresh his or her understanding of these documents.
Information from Rugby Australia about action to protect our Match Officials.
A list of our current Referees and their gradings.
The report for when a player is sent off with a Red Card.
Irrespective of its nature or when or where it occurs, all Rugby-related abuse must be reported so that it can be dealt with and eliminated. This document explains the process in detail.
NOTE: You’ll find a link to the Incident Report Form on the Links page of this website. Please do not hesitate to use it should you witness, encounter or experience abuse of any kind. |
Instructions for accessing the Referee Appointments System (RAS) in order to record periods of unavailability and team relationships and to prepare and submit red card Send-Off Reports.
Guidance for situations in which a SWRRA member handles a competition match to which some other referee had been formally appointed but — for whatever reason — failed to carry out.
An aide memoir for referees as to the role they play in Rugby Australia’s concussion management protocol. Follow the links in this document for a more in-depth explanation of the “recognise, remove, record and refer” process where concussion is suspected.
For SJRU games, the match day competition playing rules (as distinct from the Laws of the Game) are administered by the teams and not the referee. Make sure that you understand what this means in practice.
The pre-match and post-match practices of a referee who has been doing this sort of stuff for a long, long time. Feel free to draw on them while developing or refining your own routines.
An easy to understand summary of Rugby Australia’s re-accreditation requirements for referees, assistant referees and referee coaches.
An overview of the referee grading process and the six tier referee grading system employed by SWRRA.
An overview of how Rugby Australia expects the game to be played, coached and refereed in the 2023 season. Essential reading for all match-day participants (i.e. player coaches, players and referees).
Rugby Australia’s four key principles of refereeing together with the Referee Profile – a summary of attributes and qualities that referees should seek to achieve whenever possible.
A simple guide to managing the tackle contest. Read in conjunction with the Focus Areas for Referees document above.
The process referees are required to follow to ensure that the scrum engagement is carried out safely and in accordance with the Laws.
A side-by-side summary of key Pathway Laws for each of the five different Pathway age groups. Written from a practical refereeing perspective.
The role and duties of the Number 4 Match Official — a key member of “the team of four”.
Suggested positioning and other procedures for Assistant Referees.
The competencies expected to be demonstrated by an accredited level 1 referee.
The competencies expected to be demonstrated by an accredited level 2 referee.
The steps that must be taken post-match whenever a player has been shown a red card and ordered from the field. See also “The Referee Appointments System” document listed near the top of this table.
NSWRU guidelines on what to include in a Send Off Report. Best read in conjunction with the “Preparing a Send Off Report” document above and the “Scale of Seriousness” document below.
Guidance as to the scale of seriousness of a send off offence having regard to the player’s intent and the reckless or dangerous nature of the action that resulted in that player being sent off.
Annual Reports